The Mississippi Enterprise for Technology's digest of business, science and technology news from NASA's John C. Stennis Space Center, Miss.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Series speaker scheduled
STENNIS SPACE CENTER, Miss. - Mel Estrade of the South Mississippi Contract Procurement Center will be guest speaker at the next "Lunch and Learn" series of the Mississippi Enterprise for Technology. It will be held Dec. 9 at the Herman C. Glazier Conference Room, Building 1130, Stennis Space Center. Estrade will detail the services available to Mississippi companies through the Mississippi Procurement Technical Assistance Program, a program of the Mississippi Development Authority, the chief economic development agency for the state. MPTAP's mission is to enhance national defense and economic development of the state by helping Mississippi businesses in obtaining federal, state, local government and commercial contracts. For more information on the upcoming Lunch and Learn, contact Belinda Gill at MsET by e-mail or by calling 228-688-3144. (Source: MsET, 11/29/10)