The Mississippi Enterprise for Technology's digest of business, science and technology news from NASA's John C. Stennis Space Center, Miss.
Friday, May 11, 2012
J-2X powerpack tested
STENNIS SPACE CENTER, Miss. -- NASA conducted a 340-second test of the J-2X powerpack Thursday as part of the development of the next-generation rocket engine for the Space Launch System. Thursday's test is part of a series of firings on the J-2X powerpack, a system of components on the top of the J-2X, including the gas generator, oxygen and fuel turbopumps, and related ducts and valves. On the full J-2X engine, the powerpack feeds the thrust chamber system, which produces engine thrust. The test was to operate the turbopumps over a range of speeds by varying the gas generator valve positions. (Source: NASA/SSC, 05/10/12) Previous