Thursday, August 19, 2010

DEVELOP students focus on spill

STENNIS SPACE CENTER, Miss. - DEVELOP students at NASA's John C. Stennis Space Center put their knowledge of remote sensing and access to NASA technology to use this summer to study the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. DEVELOP is a NASA Science Mission Directorate Applied Sciences training and development program where students, mentored by science advisors from NASA and partner agencies, work on Earth science projects. The Stennis students partnered with DEVELOP students at NASA’s Langley Research Center, Va., to form a Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Response team. The DEVELOP team used NASA technology to track the extent of the oil spill and to study how sea surface temperatures are being affected by the changing conditions. Students are sharing this information with local communities addressing coastal management issues from the oil spill. (Source: NASA, 08/19/10)